Menstruation hut (punulu) :
The menstruation
hut is situated on the edge of the village. Women having their periods
are considered impure. This is where they sleep and have their meals
during their socalled "state of impurity". It is a temporary way of
exclusion from village life. These dwellings are circular in design.
In "Villages perchés des Dogon du Mali - page 157", this round form
makes J.C. Huet think of a confined enclosure like a pen separating
women from the rest of the village. To back up his argument, he gives
the example of the menstruation hut in Arou which is a circular enclosure
without roof. The outside walls are often decorated with symbols of
fecundity, for example, individuals with oversized sexual organs.
see :
- J.C.Huet
" Villages perchés des Dogon du Mali - page 157 "