At the beginning of the French colonial era in the early twentieth century, the first photographs of a little-known Africa came to public attention. Many photos were published as postcards. The authors of these images were mainly merchants and military men. Some will remain anonymous and others will become well known. The captions of the postcards presented on this website mention the place, the approximate year photos were taken, the author’s name and, if possible, the name of the postcard publisher. The website named Photographes d’Afrique (1840-1944) by Marie-Hélène Degroise lists many of these photographers. To view their biographies simply click on their names below.



F. Fortier
H. Danel
A. Albaret
M. Simon
R. Guébhard
M. Lauroy
G. Lerat


The Association Images & Mémoires is an inexhaustible source of information for those interested in old photos and postcards. The documentation hereunder may help in providing a better understanding of the photographers’ work presented on this website. Unfortunately, these documents are in French only.

Le fonds Emile-Louis Abbat sur le Soudan français (1894-1898) - Catherine Abbat

Cartes postales soudanaises et sénégalaises d’Henri Danel - Stéphane Richemond

Cartes postales soudanaises de Marcel Simon - Stéphane Richemond

Edmond Fortier, un grand photographe de Bamako à l’aube du XXe siècle - Stéphane Richemond

Fortier, un photographe très moderne - Jean-Michel Andrault

Robert Schlèber, premier photographe-éditeur soudanais ? - Stéphane Richemond

Les cartes postales soudanaises de Robert Schlèber - Stéphane Richemond

Robert Schlèber, éditeur soudanais anonyme - Stéphane Richemond

Les premières mosquées de Bamako - Sébastien Philippe

Il y a cent ans : Bamako, capitale du Haut-Sénégal-Niger - Stéphane Richemond

La cité administrative de Koulouba (Mali) - Sébastien Philippe

A Bamako, d’une rive à l’autre du Joliba - Stéphane Richemond